Monday, April 13, 2009

what's that commercial?

You know the one that says they deliver "freaky fast?" Jimmy Johns? You know the one? I am thinking the post office must be up to something.

I dropped off the invites at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. By Saturday early afternoon, many in Missouri and Illinois already received their today, New York and Philly received theirs. How is that possible?!? Freaky fast indeed!

I am looking forward to getting the mail tomorrow...will we have any RSVP's? :)


  1. I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! Thought my sister was joking when she called me Saturday morning to tell me she'd received hers.

  2. Liz, crazy we are on the same timeline! Well, i guess not since your wedding is the day before mine! ;)

  3. That is exactly what happened when I sent out our STD's!!!! I think the post office realizes that their existence is being threatened with modern technology so they are upping their game! I'm not going to complain!


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