Friday, April 10, 2009

that's it?

I was expecting to feel something fabulous while mailing out invitations to the most significant event in my life to date. I expected the postal worker to share my joy. Seriously, I did. I know that dropping off invitations on a Friday at 4:00pm isn't likely to bring a smile to a stranger, let alone a postal worker... But after the week that I had, I wanted more than "do you want to keep your bags?" seriously. I guess I will have to wait for my invitation to arrive to get excited.


  1. I just did this yesterday, too! It IS sort of uneventful, isn't it?! I expected the Hallelujah Chorus to start blaring in the background or something. But no. :(

    If it helps, I am giving you a virtual high five and doing a little booty shaking dance in celebration of our accomplishment! ;)

  2. I already received mine in the mail...they are fabulous!!!
    Loves it!
    Hopefully you will start to feel supreme bliss when you receive the response cards...that was so much fun! :)


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